Saturday, July 15, 2017

One Year Ago.....

One year ago, on July 15th, I made my decision during our "Birds of Prey" Member-Guest that it would be my last year as a golf course superintendent. Done. I had been thinking about it for a few years and finally knew it was time. I sent a text to my wife and kids to let them know this was it. I don't think they were very surprised? They knew it could happen at anytime. My body, mind and family all wanted me to end my long career as a golf course superintendent. Done.

Many have asked if I regret my decision in anyway. The answer is ABSOLUTELY not! I probably should have done it a few years prior. It's a whole new wonderful life for me. I've been able to do things this summer that I've never done all my life and enjoying every minute of it. There's no more listening to a bunch of BS from the GM, no more bunkers complaints, no more 3:45am summer alarm, no more weather concerns, no employee issues, etc. I could go on and on with that list for a long time, but that's enough. I found very quickly that working as a consultant on my own and working out of my house is fabulous. After all, who doesn't enjoy working in your home office in the morning, coffee in hand, pajamas on, and the dog at your feet! Stay tuned for future observations of the non-superintendent life. Thanks for reading!

July 15, 2016 - Special Date for me and my Family!

The Dog at your feet while working is Priceless!

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